Stained glass (tempered)
What it is? And how is it done?
Tempered glass is glass that has undergone a special heat treatment. In the past, metal weapons were tempered in this way. Glass is heated to 650-680 degrees, and then evenly cooled.

Due to this treatment, residual mechanical compressive stresses are formed in the surface layers. They provide high strength, heat resistance and safety when broken, as the glass shatters into small fragments with blunt edges that cannot cause serious harm.
Tempered glass has been used for a long time, but only in shop windows, windows and cars. Now it is used everywhere. In today’s skyscrapers, in offices, frameless glass partitions are installed, in showers, in decor, in home furniture, tempered glass is used.

Tempered glass is the perfect material for your home design. Tempered glass has the same versatility in use as ordinary glass, only it is many times stronger. Therefore, do not be afraid to use tempered glass furniture or partitions, since its strength is almost the same as that of a brick wall, but it looks more aesthetic and more expensive.
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- 9:00AM - 6:00PM | Monday - Friday
Tagged stained glass, temp, tempered glass